Release stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs and find your inner peace and clarity

Welcome - let’s explore the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for releasing stress and anxiety, overcoming challenges and limiting beliefs and having more clarity and confidence in yourself. I'm Bella, the founder of Next Of Kin Yoga. If you're seeking to release limiting emotions, gain understanding, and find inner peace, empowerment and clarity, I'm here to offer you guide you though using this powerful tool, EFT.


Emotional Freedom Technique, often referred to as "Tapping," is a holistic and non-invasive practice that combines elements of psychology, acupressure, and mindfulness. It's a simple yet highly effective method for releasing negative emotions and reducing stress. EFT involves gently tapping on specific energy meridian points on your body while addressing and acknowledging your emotional challenges. This technique is widely recognised for its ability to provide emotional relief and promote mental balance.


At first glance, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) may seem unconventional or even strange. The idea of tapping on specific points on your body while addressing your emotions might raise eyebrows or elicit skepticism. However, once you overcome the initial hesitation to try this new technique my clients quickly discover the profound benefits that EFT has to offer and wish they had tried in sooner!


  • Anxiety: EFT provides individuals with a practical tool for managing anxiety symptoms in real-time, helping to reduce feelings of worry, nervousness, and panic by calming the body's stress response system.

  • Stress: By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on the stressful situation or emotion, EFT helps to release tension and promote relaxation, allowing individuals to navigate challenging situations with greater ease.

  • Limiting Beliefs: EFT can be used to challenge and reframe limiting beliefs that hold individuals back from reaching their full potential, replacing negative self-talk with more empowering thoughts and beliefs.

  • Self-Esteem: Through the practice of EFT, individuals can address underlying feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, cultivating a greater sense of self-worth and confidence in their abilities.

  • Fears & Phobias: EFT is effective in desensitizing individuals to specific fears and phobias by gradually exposing them to the feared object or situation while tapping on acupressure points, helping to reduce fear responses and promote feelings of calmness and safety.

  • Self-Confidence: By addressing underlying insecurities and self-doubt, EFT can help individuals build self-confidence and assertiveness, enabling them to pursue their goals and aspirations with greater courage and conviction.

  • Trauma & PTSD: EFT can also support individuals in processing and releasing traumatic memories and experiences, reducing the symptoms of PTSD such as flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance.


I offer two distinct types of sessions tailored to your needs: EFT Taster Sessions & Symptom Management and Wellbeing Coaching Packages. Here’s how they differ:

EFT Taster Sessions & Symptom Management

  • Focus: These sessions are centered around providing quick relief from the immediate symptoms you’re experiencing. For example, if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, we’ll focus on reducing the intensity of those feelings in the moment.

  • Approach: I guide you through the EFT tapping points, while addressing your current emotional or physical discomfort. The goal is to bring you immediate relief, helping you feel better right away without delving into deeper issues.

  • Outcomes: Symptom management sessions are highly effective for immediate relief, but it’s important to understand that the underlying causes of these symptoms may not be addressed in these sessions. If deeper, long-lasting change is your goal, consider exploring one of my coaching packages.

Wellbeing Coaching Packages: Transformative Healing and Lasting Change

  • Focus: My wellbeing coaching packages are designed to go beyond symptom management, offering a deep, transformative approach to healing. We focus on identifying and resolving the root causes of your challenges, allowing for profound and lasting change.

  • Approach: In these packages, I combine EFT with Matrix Reimprinting, an advanced technique that helps resolve deeply rooted emotional issues. Matrix Reimprinting allows us to access and reframe specific memories or experiences that may be contributing to your current challenges. By changing the emotional charge and beliefs associated with these memories, we can create a new, more empowering narrative.

  • Outcomes: These sessions offer a comprehensive approach to healing. By addressing the root causes of your issues, we aim to release old patterns and traumas at a deep level. The result is not just symptom relief, but a significant transformation in how you feel and experience your life, leading to long-term, positive changes.

Which Session is Right for You?

If you’re looking for immediate relief, my Symptom Management Sessions provide effective, targeted solutions. However, if you’re ready to dive deeper and transform the underlying causes of your challenges, my Wellbeing Coaching Packages offer a powerful, comprehensive approach to healing. With the integration of Matrix Reimprinting, these packages are designed to help you achieve lasting change and truly upgrade your life.

What have others said?

Before I started working with Bella, I used to be such an anxious person when it came to trying new things, going to events, or thinking about my future would keep me up at night. I just wanted to be able to hold myself better, feel more confident and not care what others thought of me. I knew I needed more support to achieve this and reached out to work with Bella. I was instantly put at ease as we worked through the feelings of my anxiety and lack of confidence. After my first 6 sessions, I can now say I have more self-confidence, worry less about what others think and feel able to attract and go after what I want in life. I feel that I have a new and improved lifestyle and feel optimistic about the future. I now sleep so much better and have improved overall wellbeing and happiness. I didn’t think this was possible for me before!
— Em
“Bella’s sessions are a beautiful way to move through any blocks you are facing. I recommend Bella’s techniques if you are seeking to have support viewed in a natural and holistic approach to improve your emotional wellbeing drastically. My self-belief, confidence and connection to myself have also greatly improved. It is a blessing to have this kind of support from one who has such talent to empower you to move through your blocks and enhance yourself”.
— Georgia
It’s difficult to put into words the incredible shifts bella helps you to achieve with EFT and matrix techniques. She guides you through emotions and feelings to get to the root of what might be holding you back, emotionally or physically (often we find links to both). The tapping of meridian end points actually allows the energy to move so you can mentally understand the emotion while physically clearing it 🔅 thank you bella I’m so grateful 🔅
— Rebecca